From the mighty peaks of the Rockies, a roar echoes across the plains, a roar that heralds the thrilling battle cry of the Mile High Blaze. Emerging from the fiery crucible of the Women’s Football Alliance, this professional women’s tackle football team has defied odds, shattered expectations, and changed the very perception of the sport. With their current standing at a solid 2-1 in the WFA Pro National Division, they are an unstoppable force, a beacon of glory that illuminates the path of women’s football.

The Mile High Blaze was born in 2013, armed with less than 20 players but blessed with an abundance of determination. As the years turned, they breathed life into women’s football in Colorado, gathering momentum, stoking the embers of a new revolution. A revolution that reached its pinnacle with their triumphant victory in the 2022 WFA Division 2 National Championship.

A phoenix rising from the ashes, the Blaze changed colors, leadership, and coaching staff, morphing into an even more formidable force under the seasoned guidance of Head Coach Rob Sandlin. Propelled by a formidable defense and a pro-style offense, they’re not just playing the game, they are redefining it. The Blaze are more than a team; they are the lifeblood of women’s football in Colorado and a symbol of empowerment for players nationwide.

They champion the cause of women’s and girls’ sports in their community, inspiring athletes to bask in the exhilaration of the game, to feel the electrifying thrill of the tackle. In the Blaze’s universe, the football field isn’t just a ground; it’s a stage where passion, discipline, integrity, and humility come alive, molding their players into champions both on and off the field.

The Blaze are an eclectic ensemble of athletes. They are military personnel, first responders, wives, mothers, students – women who embody the belief that there’s nothing they can’t achieve when their hearts and souls are in the game.

Their mission is larger than the sport; it is a relentless pursuit of equality in women’s sports. The Blaze stand tall on the foundation laid by pioneers in women’s sports, shouldering the responsibility to amplify awareness and acceptance of women’s tackle football. To them, tackle football is more than a passion; it’s a dream they chase fervently, offering their platform as a vehicle for all women who share this unwavering love for the game.

Through their grit, they are driving women’s tackle football from the peripheries to the spotlight, rallying not just their local community, but passionate fans across the globe. So, as you watch the Mile High Blaze blaze a trail of victory, remember – they’re not just a team, they’re a phenomenon. And in their quest for glory, they are setting the world ablaze.


  • Posted December 5, 2018 3:03 pm 0Likes
    by Ashton Porter

    I loved the game, and it was great to watch it again here. Thank you!

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